Error: Data structure returned is not convertible in the requested format: Multidimensional column values not supported. Found unexpected array value for column 'widgets' in row '0': 'array ( 0 => array ( 'module' => 'CoreHome', 'action' => 'renderWidgetContainer', ), 1 => array ( 'module' => 'Live', 'action' => 'widget', ), 2 => array ( 'module' => 'DevicesDetection', 'action' => 'getType', ), 3 => array ( 'module' => 'Actions', 'action' => 'getPageUrls', ), 4 => array ( 'module' => 'Referrers', 'action' => 'getReferrerType', ), 5 => array ( 'module' => 'Events', 'action' => 'getAction', '. Try to call this method with the parameters '&format=original&serialize=1'; you will get the original php data structure serialized.